A blog about my career as a parent.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Christmas Quest

Only 44 more shopping days until Christmas!

With all the toy recalls from China because of excess levels of lead and other wonderful poisons, I'm doing my best to find good, quality toys made right here in the good, ole U.S.A.

I've been able to find stuff for my 12 and 4 year olds on the web that are appropriate, but the baby is another story. Other than wooden blocks, a couple of styles of wooden rattles, and a wooden stacking toy, I just can't find baby toys appropriate for an 8 month old (that's how old he'll be come Christmas) that aren't made in China.

Even websites that say their toys are made in the U.S. or Europe have some toys made in China. They put disclaimers up like, "Made in China under the close supervision of put company name here." Like that's supposed to make me feel all warm, fuzzy, and safe about the toy.

As I find websites or stores that are featuring safe, American, lead-free toys, I'll post their links on my blog.

Wish me luck on my Christmas Quest!

1 comment:

NH Yocal said...

That's a good idea. It is becoming crazy with the lead paint thing. I am thinking of not buying anything unless it is plush or homemade or in the form of book : )