A blog about my career as a parent.

Friday, January 11, 2008


S. D.: This straw has too much sippiness.

Mom: I know it's a skinny straw, but it's all we have. Just use it.

S. D.: (whining) No, it has too much sippiness!

Mom: Just use it or don't, but stop whining.

S. D.: (taking mom by the hand) Let me show you the sippiness.

S. D.: Slurp, slurp, slurp. See, too much sippiness.

Mom: (realization dawning) Oh, there's a hole in the straw! You can't get anything through it.

S. D.: (looking at mom like she's a complete moron for not getting it sooner) Yes!

Mom: Let me get you a new one.

I wonder how many new words have been coined by 4 year olds.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

If I'm Going to Post, I'd Better Do It Now

I've been trying to post on here for several days now, but every time I think I'm going to do it once the kids are in bed, I fall asleep. A couple of times I've considered posting after putting the baby back to bed in the middle of the night, but the desire for sleep has won out each time. Now that the baby's ears are clear and he doesn't have a stomach bug, maybe I can grab a few minutes here and there to update this thing.

Of course the only reason why I have these few, precious moments is because S. D. is home sick with a cold (translation: she'll have another ear infection any day now and Little G. will too). Right now she's entertaining Little G. by dancing around to the music on a kid show. So far I've been able to keep her from breathing directly on him, kissing him, and I've been able to get her to wash her hands frequently. Of course, I hold no real hope that he won't also catch the cold, but I'm doing my best to try to prevent it anyhow. I have this fantasy that soon I'll be able to get back to posting 3 - 4 times a week. Maybe once Little G. is in school in about 4 years.