A blog about my career as a parent.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

12 Days of Christmas Tax Dollars

My BIL sent me this e-mail link: http://www.cdc.gov/women/owh/holiday/12waysSong.htm

I decided to go to the CDC website to make certain that this is a valid CDC link. Guess what! It is! I am so happy to know that all those hard-earned tax dollars are going to employees of the CDC so they can spend their time creating lyrics to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Before I heard this song I had no idea that in order to stay healthy I should wash my hands, bundle up for warmth, manage stress, not drink and drive, stay smoke free, fasten seat belts while driving, get exams and screenings, get my vaccinations, monitor the children, practice fire safety, prepare dinner safely, and eat well and get moving.

Up until I heard the lyrics to this song, I had been
  1. running around with grimy hands all day
  2. not wearing a coat in cold weather
  3. letting stress run my life (okay, maybe this one is true, but you try dealing with two sick kids, a kid with Asperger's Disorder, and no sleep and try to manage stress!)
  4. knocking back a bottle of wine and getting behind the wheel
  5. smoking 4 packs a day
  6. driving at break-neck speeds without a seat belt
  7. not going to my doctors for annual exams
  8. stabbing myself with rusty nails secure in the knowledge that I haven't recently gotten a tetanus shot, nothing like lockjaw
  9. not watching what the children are doing (Go ahead, Honey, play with those matches, I won't watch what your doing!)
  10. burning fires in the middle of the living room without benefit of using the fireplace (See number 9)
  11. cross contaminating the food as I prepare it by putting vegetables and meat on the same cutting board, and
  12. sitting in front of the t.v. eating potato chips for dinner!

Thank you federal government for spending our tax dollars in such a wise and constructive way! Without you there to tell us the patently obvious, what ever would we do?!

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