A blog about my career as a parent.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yea! I'm Accomplishing Something!

Here it is the night before Halloween, and I'm finishing up my eldest's costume, baking cupcakes for my middle one's Halloween party, and freezing food I cooked tonight for the next few nights. This feels like the most I've accomplished in weeks.

For the past month and a half it seems like all I've done is transport one child or another back and forth to the pediatrician or orthopedist. The baby and the four year old keep getting ear infections, and we keep having to tinker with the baby's Zantac dosage since he has acid reflux. S. F. broke her wrist playing field hockey. Now she's getting an orthosis, which is a fancy word for back brace, to try to halt the progression of her scoliosis. I think if the kid gets anymore x-rays she's either going to glow in the dark or develop super powers.

Thank goodness I don't have to take anyone to the doctor again until next month when the kids get their flu shots, and S.F. goes back for her next orthosis adjustment. Wait a minute, next month is the day after tomorrow. Oh well, maybe I'll get a break from being the super chauffeur after the New Year. ;)

I will say it does feel good to produce something you can see. The cooked food in the 'fridge, the cupcakes cooling on the counter, and the costume drying on dining room table (gotta love that fabric glue) do make me feel better. Now if I could just make the dishes magically get clean.

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